Is the weather report ever incorrect?

I checked the TV on my last day of Spring - Year 1 and it said that it would rain tomorrow. SCORE! I can prep fields to start planting right away tomorrow (well, after the seed shop opens). After spending the time tilling the soil and fertilizing, I go to sleep, excited to jump into Summer without having to water day 1.

Overnight there was an event that shook things up.

From what I can find online (Spoilers Guide) the earthquake always happens end of Spring - Year 1.

Not only that, it wasn't raining the next day!

Now I'm beginning to doubt if I checked the weather correctly.

Is the weather report ever incorrect? Was this because of the other event that happened overnight or that the season changed? What other events might cause the weather to be different than what the TV says? Did I just fail to remember what the friendly weather person told me?

From personal experience I can confirm that on multiple occasions weather report was wrong about today's weather.
Both with wrongly forecasting rain (when a sunny day actually happened) and with failing to forecast it (sunny forecast with an actual rain).