Out of Memory Error while loading bitmaps

Solution 1:

for quick fix you can add

android:largeHeap="true" in your manifest application tag

link here:

I face OOM problem for my table in kindle and nook

Heap size (large)

there specification is mentioned to use larger heap link here:

edit: use Caching Bitmaps technique link here

Solution 2:

I had the similar problem while displaying high resolution images. I have searched and applied all the android bitmap solutions given in http://developer.android.com/training/displaying-bitmaps/index.html and the following caches mekanism in the link. but none of them work. not any right solution anywhere. Then I figured out that the problem is : I couldnt use the drawable folder structure right. I was keeping high resolution images in mdpi and hdpi folders . this cause android scale up the images to the ultra sizes. 100 kb image was causing 20 mb increase in memory thanks to the android monitor / memory section. so I have added these ultra resolution images to xxhdpi folder , then It was FIXED suddenly. then my image slider work flawlessly