IIS error, Unable to start debugging on the webserver

I want to run my application from IIS on my local machine. I created the virtual directory and added the application to it and in the properties folder of the application I checked the radio button 'Use Local IIS Webserver'. I then started running my application but I'm getting the following error:

Unable to start debugging on the webserver.see help for common configuration errors.Running the webpage outside of the debugger may provide further information.

Make sure the server in operating correctly.Verify there are no syntax errors in web.config by doing a debug.Start Without Debugging.You may also want to refer to the ASP.NET and ATL Server debugging topic in the online documentation.

How do I get rid of this error?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 and IIS 7.5.

Solution 1:

There may be many reasons for the above problem.

You need to check this:- Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server

On a side note:- Go to IIS and check that the App Pool you are using is started.

Try this from your command line:-

cd %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
aspnet_regiis.exe -i

Solution 2:

There are multiple solution of this problem, in my case I changed my machine's password but forget to change it in the process model identity of Advance setting of that Application pool.

Later IISRESET did the trick for me.

Solution 3:

Just an update as I hit this issue and all of the settings in both Visual Studio and IIS seemed to be correct.

What actually worked for me was simply running Visual Studio as an administrator - I'm guessing that there is a permission that needs to be set somewhere, but I have no idea what or where.

Also a point to note is that I configured all my websites to use the DefaultAppPool in IIS which at the time was ASP.NET V2, then installed .NET 4 and the DefaultAppPool was converted to .NET4 so none of the sites would compile (that caused me a small amount of swearing)

Hope that helps someone