I find I like to use the phrase 'gustatorial sensations' when I'm about to talk about food/flavors.

The vocabulary for describing food and meals is so different and small, the good basics to develop everything on top of would be the 5 tastes, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and the excellent umami (or savoury like a good glutamate or nice red beef).

Beyond that, it's like catching lightning in a bottle to articulate one's own experience with food. I think some of the most appropriate means of describing such things tend to focus on mood and emotion/ emotional response to the food.

A good dinner and a good wine may both be described as festive. One might talk about a soup as being surprising, original, or stultifying in flavor, presentation, or composition, and in a metonymous sense, could all be extended to refer to the meal at large.

Ultimately, I don't know that there are really that many words specifically to refer to the meal and food simultaneously, but that to describe components of the meal (metonymy) will describe the meal overall by extension.

My advice is to break down every sensation of the food, texture and smell, how it looks, and it's temperature, describe the food well and it will all turn back upon to give people a sense of the meal at large.

The noun sustenance can mean

food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment

However, the adjectival form, sustaining, is a form of the verb, sustain which means

strengthen or support physically or mentally

It is not limited to food and drink, but can be used in connection with them

Santa found the milk and cooking very sustaining as he worked through the night.

Mine are not $64 words, more like 64 cent words.

  • gustation: the act or faculty of tasting; the faculty of distinguishing sweet, sour, bitter, and salty properties in the mouth (sounds awful, but we derive gusto from it)
  • gustatory: concerned with tasting or the sense of taste
  • gustative (adj)
  • deglutition: the act or process of swallowing (glutton)
  • deglutitory, deglutitious (adj)
  • manducation: the act or process of chewing (mandible)
  • manducatory (adj)
  • masticate: to chew
  • mastication: biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow
  • sialagogue: a substance that stimulates the flow of saliva
  • sialagogic (n, adj)
  • sialorrh(o)ea: the act or process of salivation
  • eructation: the process of belching.

Huh, wish I had more.