How to install several Tomcat instances on Ubuntu?

I need to have two instances of Tomcat 6 running on Ubuntu 10.04. I know it should be doable pretty simply by something like:

  • copy /var/lib/tomcat6 to /var/lib/tomcat6-2
  • modify ports in /var/lib/tomcat6-2/conf/server.xml
  • copy /etc/init.d/tomcat6 to /etc/init.d/tomcat6-2
  • modify /etc/init.d/tomcat6-2...

...but my problem is that I'm unsure what I should modify in /etc/init.d/tomcat6-2. Changing the NAME in the beginning of the file clearly is not enough.

(I'm aware that there is tomcat6-new-instance but I don't want to create instances for users.)

You can follow the directives here

There is an ubuntu package called tomcat6-user and tomcat7-user which gives the command tomcat6-instance-create and tomcat7-instance-create with which you can create other instances of Tomcat.

I have had to do this and found the simplest solution to be this.

Give it a once over and see if this is what your after.

Running multiple tomcat by using a single catalina_base and catalina_home.

This will make it easy to manage server management to use only one tomcat setup instance

Download tomcat-6+ and unpack it. Modify two configuration files under conf:


replace ports & access log and cluster instance name with variables like:

<Server port="${tomcat.server.port}1" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">...
<Connector port="${tomcat.server.port}2" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />...

change log file prefix like = ${tomcat.server.port}.catalina

and before you run the command you should set 2 environment variables for each instance like

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dtomcat.server.port=810
set CATALINA_TMPDIR=%cd%..work810
catalina run

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dtomcat.server.port=820
set CATALINA_TMPDIR=%cd%..work820
catalina run