CPU frequency scaling for 12.04?

indicator-cpufreq can be found in the Software Center by searching "cpu frequency" and then clicking on the "show technical items" option:

enter image description here

And this is what it looks like, to compare what you were used to in 10.04:

enter image description here

  • Note that you may need to put it in startup if you don't wish to start it manually every time -- usually it should go into Startup Applications automatically, like this:

enter image description here

I use indicator-cpufreq on Unity. It seems very parallel to what I use with 10.10. You can install it using

sudo apt-get install indicator-cpufreq

This what I use to set the frequency of CPU in Ubuntu 12.04.

If you want to have control of CPU frequency in Ubuntu 12.04, do this:

  • open Ubuntu software center or synaptic software manager
  • Install awn-settings (this is a dock)
  • Now open awn settings and set to start-awn automatically
  • Restart computer
  • Now you must have the dock on the bottom of desktop
    • Right click Dock preferences
    • Go on to Applets tab.
    • In the Categories section select Monitor and from right section Available Applets double click on CPU Frequency monitor to add on dock.

I did a little bit of research and found this thread on Ubuntu Forums that explains how to use cpulimit to set the maximum consumption for a particular process. It runs as a daemon that will monitor all processes.