Difference between array_push() and $array[] =
In the PHP manual, (array_push) says..
If you use array_push() to add one element to the array it's better to use $array[] = because in that way there is no overhead of calling a function.
For example :
$arr = array();
array_push($arr, "stackoverflow");
$arr[] = "stackoverflow";
I don't understand why there is a big difference.
Solution 1:
When you call a function in PHP (such as array_push()
), there are overheads to the call, as PHP has to look up the function reference, find its position in memory and execute whatever code it defines.
Using $arr[] = 'some value';
does not require a function call, and implements the addition straight into the data structure. Thus, when adding a lot of data it is a lot quicker and resource-efficient to use $arr[]
Solution 2:
You can add more than 1 element in one shot to array using array_push,
e.g. array_push($array_name, $element1, $element2,...)
Where $element1, $element2,... are elements to be added to array.
But if you want to add only one element at one time, then other method (i.e. using $array_name[]) should be preferred.
Solution 3:
The difference is in the line below to "because in that way there is no overhead of calling a function."
will raise a warning if the first argument is not an array. This differs from the$var[]
behaviour where a new array is created.
Solution 4:
You should always use $array[]
if possible because as the box states there is no overhead for the function call. Thus it is a bit faster than the function call.