Downloading BleachBit from Universe gets stuck at "Querying software sources"

Solution 1:

I wouldn't even try it at this stage to put it on Ubuntu 12.04. It has got some issues and is not working properly. I updated my desktop PC and two laptops to 12.04 by fresh install and installed bleachbit on all of them.

Bleachbit would scan and do its job but as soon as it finished it would cause the PC to momentarily freeze then say there has been an internal problem with Ubuntu and it would send off an error report. This happened on the Desktop as well as the two laptops. There is obviously an issue there with 12.04 and Bleachbit. Every time I used it it would cause the same error. Not wanting to damage the operating system I Uninstalled it all three computers.

Having looked at other forums it appears some others are also having various problems with it. I will wait until a version for 12.04 actually comes out from the bleachbit website and I will try it again.

I have used it previously with other versions of Ubuntu and it has worked OK with them.

Solution 2:

You can try installing bleachbit from the command-line,if installing from the Ubuntu software center not working properly.

Open a Terminal window (press Ctrl+Alt+F2; or press Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal, and press Enter). Then run these two commands (type or paste them in and press Enter):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bleachbit