Safely turning off RTS for Linux installation

I just put in a secondary SSD on my Windows machine, and I tried installing Linux on it. However, Linux told me that the machine has RTS (Rapid Storage Technology) enabled, and I need to disable it. I found a setting in BIOS that I can switch from RAID (which I think is the same as RTS) to AHCI. However, I got a warning that this may ruin my Windows installation. Is there any way to install Linux safely on my second SSD? Also, can I turn RTS back on just for the SSD with Windows, after I install Linux Thanks!

Harvested from my comments and turned into an answer:

I'm pretty sure that trying to remember to constantly switch back and forth is going to kill your brain and your patience.

It's better to convert your Windows to AHCI mode and then install Linux afterwards. This is not a Windows support site, though, so I'm not going to do more than give you a link to a guide I found via Google to do the conversion.

It is better to use settings that both support, so the AHCI setup for Windows is what you're going to want to do, then install Linux and you'll save yourself a massive headache.