How to find same subfolders in two folders on first level only?

I'd use a simple find:

find "/path/to/main1" "/path/to/main2" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' | sort | uniq -d

Or to make it zero-terminated to prevent issues with newline characters:

find "/path/to/main1" "/path/to/main2" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1  -type d -printf '%f\0' | sort -z | uniq -zd | xargs -0

Using zsh, given

% tree dir1 dir2
├── bar
└── foo
    └── baz
├── bar
│   └── baz
└── baz

6 directories, 0 files


% a=( dir1/*(/ND:t) ) ; b=( dir2/*(/ND:t) )

creates arrays of the tails (basenames) of directories / in the two top-level directories dir1 and dir2 (with Dotglob and Nullglob options enabled).

Then we can use an expansion of the form ${name:*arrayname} to retain only elements that are present in both arrays:

% print -rC1 ${a:*b}