word that means: causing a paradigm shift, new era, revolution

Solution 1:

Besides revolutionary (“something that portends of great change”), which it seems de rigueur to mention, consider terms like:
• scientific/social/cultural upheaval (“a sudden violent upset, disruption or convulsion”),
groundbreaking (“Innovative; new, different; doing something that has never been done before”),
radical (“Thoroughgoing”),
breakthrough (“Any major progress; such as a great innovation or discovery that overcomes a significant obstacle”),
• the hyperbolic world-shaking (“Momentous; of great import; of great significance, importance or consequence”) or world-shattering,
• and the clichéd quantum leap (“discontinuous change of state” or “(metaphorical) An abrupt change”).

Solution 2:


All the energy of the change comes to bear on one pivotal point, the tipping point, past which the accumulated effort of generations can be seen to have an irrevocable effect.

Solution 3:

The simplest word I'd use in this situation is revolutionary (you want the second sense, meaning "radically new or innovative").

To best address your examples, I would say disruptive. In those cases, the word is used to specify a disruptive innovation as opposed to a sustaining (or incremental) innovation.

Solution 4:

A metaphorical phrase that has enjoyed much use (perhaps oversuse) recently, is sea change

a profound or notable transformation: recent years have witnessed a sea change in the fortunes of car safety as a marketable quantity

A much more modest approach, which might persuade through understatement is reset, as in cultural (or technological) reset.