What do you call the feeling you get when you're satisfied to the point of nausea?

So you're craving something, say a particular chocolate or sex with one very attractive person that you desire. Take the sexual encounter one for example. You sleep with the person so many times until you are fulfilled. But it gets somewhat "nauseating" to enjoy that thing again (the sex or the chocolate) because you've overindulged earlier.

Now what is that feeling called, the feeling of being overly "satisfied" or "quenched" to the point of nausea?

I wouldn't say what I'm looking for is satisfaction or quench. Is there a more specific term?

Example sentence:

"I've been eating T-bone steak all day yesterday. I had leftovers today, but I couldn't eat them - I'm just so ____ towards (or from) steak right now."

You can actually use the word "sick".

  1. (sick of) Intensely annoyed with or bored by (someone or something) as a result of having had too much of them:

Using your example.

I've had four steaks over the last couple of days and now I'm sick of them.

Consider cloy:

verb (used with object)

(1) to weary by an excess of food, sweetness, pleasure, etc.; surfeit; satiate.

verb (used without object)

(2) to become uninteresting or distasteful through overabundance

You could say things like:

  • I soon found sex with her cloying.
  • A diet of steak soon cloys.
  • I'm just so cloyed by steak right now.

I think you could use satiated:

  • satisfied, as one's appetite or desire, to the point of boredom.
  • I'm so satiated with steaks right now!!

overindulge : "have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink." -Google

Last night I overindulged. If I so much as look at another steak I'll throw up.