Is it possible to enter a value into an Excel cell and have the same cell output a result?

Solution 1:

MS Excel doesn't work that way. Once you input something in to the cell, it overwrites it's contents.

You may be able to write a macro to do this, as suggested by @datatoo, however you still have the issue of the cell changing values when the answer is determined, which may trigger another calculation.

Why do you want to do this? Maybe we can suggest an alternate method for you.

Solution 2:

Any cell can have either a Formula or a Value, not both, This is how basically the Excel works for.

Now to attain what you describe, you would need VBA (Macro) to do the calculation when the cell value is changed.

The VBA code I'm suggesting in bit improvised and it works on entire Column or on any particular Data range, rather than only on a Cell, also prevents from Non numeric data.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

 If Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
 If IsNumeric(Target.Value) Then

   Application.EnableEvents = False
     Target = (Target * 40 * 52) / 12
      Application.EnableEvents = True
         MsgBox ("Only calculate numeric values")
 End If

End Sub


  • Copy & Paste this Code as Standard module.
  • Range("A:A") is editable and should Rage("A:C") or even Range("A1:C10") also.