Excel formula for cumulative costs in 5 year increments

Solution 1:

The sequence of nominal (ie after inflation ) payments is a "geometric sequence" or "geometric progression". The nth term in the sequence:

enter image description here

where a is the initial value, r is the common ratio.

In your example a = 100, r = 1 + 0.03

You want to calculated the sum of the sequence after n years or the "geometric series". The nth item in the series is calculated by:

enter image description here

Below is a minimal example:

enter image description here

You can remove the years 2 - 4 from the spreadheet since the formula in each column is independent of the previous one.

More on geometric sequence and series on Wikipedia

Solution 2:

The basic formula is start_amount * (1 + inf_rate)^years where:

  • start_amount is the the original dollar amount - eg $1,000,000
  • inf_rate is the annual inflation rate as a decimal - eg 0.03
  • years is the number of years since the start - eg 0, 5, 10, etc

Here's a minimal example. simple spreadsheet calculating future value in multi year increments

Note Use of absolute references for all but the current year means you can copy the formula from one column to the next.

There's a built in function for calculating future value FV that does basically the same thing but also allows for regular payments as in a loan or annuity.