Laptop losing all wi-fi signal when it is physically moved

As the problem isn't accruing with Linux it seems that it is windows so the only thing i could think of is that it is a driver problem. I have google'd your laptop and i have found these driver's. Try installing the 5 drives under Wireless (5).

As you have said you haven't changed any drives so the problem could of been windows update giving you the wrong ones. Strangely enough this happens to me when i reinstall windows and for some reason it stop's doing this after about 2-3 days.

Another idea is that it could be a fault with windows 7 x64 because i never had this problem until i bought so new ram and upgraded to 64 bit.

The best solution if the driver one doesn't work then just leave it for a few days and wait until your laptop isn't sulking. (+1 for using Linux Mint :-))

My guess is window's update.

Surprising I had the exact same problem with my windows 7 x64 laptop. I had concluded the problem was heat related and gave up trying to solve it. Like you I discovered disabling and enabling the wireless adapter solved the issue, for awhile. In my case, there is a keyboard function to toggle wireless, so while the issue was annoying it didn't bother to much to just hit the wireless key off, count to 3, and click it back on. although the lost 15 seconds of time while the connection was renegotiated was annoying.

Now that I read this question tho, I realize the problem has magically disappeared. It's been more than a month since I've seen that annoying yellow triangle. The only thing I can imagine that is different is updates that have been installed via windows update.

Turns out it was a HW problem after all. I opened my laptop, tightened the screws inside, blew off the dust and I haven't lost the adapter since (it's been over a week now).


It turned out to really be a software problem after all. I patiently waited for the new batch of Windows Update only to find out it solved nothing. What I did was uninstall the wifi adapter in Device Manager (with "Uninstall software" checkbox checked). Then I went to Programs and functions in Control Panel, uninstall Intel Wifi Proset application and rebooted. When starting Windows again a black screen I had never seen before in my life popped out saying something about "operations are in progress x/64 - path" where x was the number of the current operation and path was a registry key.

After I logged in I right clicked on the now unknow Network Adapter in Device Manager and selected Install drivers. It searched for a bit and then installed 2009 drivers made by Intel. The adapter name even changed from "Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000" to "Intel(R) WiFi Link 1000 BGN." After some testing it seems to be working. I don't really like having 2009 drivers in a PC I otherwise tend to keep as much up to date as I can, but hey. As long as it finally works after so much pain and cursing... I'm not going to fix something that ain't broken... yet. ;)

I should also add that when I tried to uninstall the drivers for the first time, I must have forgotten some parts of it, so if you - yes, I'm pointing at you - appear to have a similar problem as I was having, double check if you really uninstalled everything even remotely Intel Wifi related.

Thank you all for your answers, I really appreciate it, guys. I also googled a bit (again, I did that even before asking this question, I'm not one of those guys who are not aware of "Search" buttons) and discovered a lot of users are having similar problems. If this answer helps at least one person, I'll be glad. Cheers!

I've had the same problem with the same laptop for a while and I tried many things to fix it. Ranging from trying old drivers to a completely new Windows installation. My problems started after I had to replace my AC board (which was broken).

The problem is caused by the two WiFi antennas moving around ever so slightly on the adapter. They are taped down by the manufacturers, but (in my case) by removing the tape to remove the AC board the tape probably didn't stick as well. Maybe in your case the tape wore out and came loose.

By taping the WiFi antennas down properly I can now shake my laptop around and it won't disconnect anymore. Moving my legs underneath it when having it on my lap would disconnect it before that. It might be due to the screen moving back and forth a bit, pulling on the antennas.

Hope this helps!