How to calculate natural logarithm in the Windows 10 calculator app?

How can I calculate logn (or ln) in the official Microsoft Windows 10 Calculator app?

The official calculator app in Windows 10

Solution 1:

There is a keyboard shortcut. In Scientific mode, N gives you natural log. Lots of other shortcuts here: Microsoft Support.

Another option is to download the free Calculator Plus from the Microsoft store. That has dedicated buttons for an extensive range of things, including ln:

enter image description here

BTW, it also has an option for the "Classic View", which looks like the earlier Windows calculators.

Solution 2:

If the window size is small then just like pocket scientific calculators, secondary options will be put in a state accessible with the Shift ⇧ key, i.e. the arrow button beside CE, above π

After you press then the functions will be inverted. The base will be switched from 10 to e. That means 10x and log become ex and ln respectively

small calculator shift key demo

The more you expand the window, the more space and buttons it'll have, and those options will be available directly without shifting

Solution 3:

The easiest way is to maximize the calculator (as you maximize any window). Once you do that, some additional options are added to the calculator, including the ln function.

This is how it looks