How to "uncompress" a ZIM file?

Solution 1:

I tried following the answer of @Nicolas Raoul above on a mac but had issues building zimdump from source and couldn't find any binaries.

After some digging I found from a zimdump was a binary in alpine so the easiest approach for me was to run zimdump in docker.

Create a text file called Dockerfile with this content:

FROM alpine:edge

# add the repository that contains libzim and zim-tools
RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories

# Installing dependencies
RUN apk update && apk add libzim zim-tools

Then run:

docker build - < Dockerfile

Build docker image:

docker build -t zimdump .

Jump through hoops to mount and run zimpdump:

docker run -v $(pwd):/app -w /app -it zimdump zimdump -D . file.zim

(someone suggests that docker run -v $(pwd):/app -w /app -it zimdump dump --dir=. file.zim works better)

Solution 2:

The easiest way is to use the zimdump command, part of Zimlib.

Sample output:

zimdump -F wikivoyage_en_all_2015-09.zim
count-articles: 84897
uuid: 9213375a-53f4-819c-47ed-41fc87e7028f
article count: 84897
mime list pos: 80
url ptr pos: 193
title idx pos: 679369
cluster count: 40711
cluster ptr pos: 5169080
checksum pos: 468245393
checksum: 05b9bbf3b6d0c955b6ee74a3f929d911
main page: 44192
layout page: -

Not sure what these all mean but at least article count is available.

The -D option dumps everything in a directory.

zimdump -D name_of_dir file.zim