What is the proper orb sequence in the Ruined Dungeon?

Solution 1:

The lore varies from game to game, but it's pretty easy to do this one.

  1. Hit Escape to bring up the menu.
  2. Go to "Show Known Lore".
  3. Scroll down until you find the "Ruined Dungeon" lore.
  4. The order the lore appears in the "Show Known Lore" log matters. This seems like terrible puzzle design to me, since you have to rely on the lore log sorting it correctly for you, but it is what it is. I've always ended up with 3 pieces of lore that, in total, mention 6 elements. They'll mention things like blood, earth (dust), magic, mind, fire, cold, etc. You need to hit the orbs in the same order that mentions of those elements appear in your lore log for the Ruined Dungeon.

If you screw it up, a usually minor monster or two will appear. Just kill them and start over.

Note that this puzzle can be greatly complicated by using the library your fortress, which will teach you all the lore your previous characters learned. This gives you too many possible answers for the riddle, as well as no guarantee of the order, and means you pretty much have to play a guessing game.