Madiatek WIFI Card not detected, no wifi [duplicate]
Solution 1:
MEDIATEK Corp. Device [14c3:0608]
This specific has recently been added to the aliases of the driver mt7921e. Reference:
Until this patch reaches a standard Ubuntu kernel, we may, as you've proven, add the with a udev action. From the terminal:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/mt7921e.conf
Add a single line to this new file:
alias pci:v000014C3d00000608sv*sd*bc*sc*i* mt7921e
Proofread carefully. Save (Ctrl+o followed by Enter) and exit (Ctrl+x followed by Enter) the text editor nano.
Next, do:
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-mt7921e.rules
Add a single line:
SUBSYSTEM=="drivers", DEVPATH=="/bus/pci/drivers/mt7921e", ATTR{new_id}="14c3 0608"
Proofread carefully, save and exit as above.
Your wireless should now work as expected. To confirm, please test with a reboot.