Picasso v/s Imageloader v/s Fresco vs Glide vs Coil [closed]


  1. Difference between Picasso v/s ImageLoader here ...
  2. Info about the library GLIDE here ...
  3. Facebook has its own library Fresco
  4. Newest addition to the list Coil


  1. What is the difference between Picasso v/s Imageloader v/s Fresco v/s Coil
  2. Which is the best library to use.
  3. If each library has its own significance, what are they ?

I am one of the engineers on the Fresco project. So obviously I'm biased.

But you don't have to take my word for it. We've released a sample app that allows you to compare the performance of five libraries - Fresco, Picasso, UIL, Glide, and Volley Image Loader - side by side. You can get it at our GitHub repo.

I should also point out that Fresco is available on Maven Central, as com.facebook.fresco:fresco.

Fresco offers features that Picasso, UIL, and Glide do not yet have:

  1. Images aren't stored in the Java heap, but in the ashmem heap. Intermediate byte buffers are also stored in the native heap. This leaves a lot more memory available for applications to use. It reduces the risk of OutOfMemoryErrors. It also reduces the amount of garbage collection apps have to do, leading to better performance.
  2. Progressive JPEG images can be streamed, just like in a web browser.
  3. Images can be cropped around any point, not just the center.
  4. JPEG images can be resized natively. This avoids the problem of OOMing while trying to downsize an image.

There are many others (see our documentation), but these are the most important.

Mind you that this is a highly opinion based question, so I stopped making fjords and made a quick table

enter image description here

Now library comparison is hard because on many parameters, all the four pretty much do the same thing, except possibly for Fresco because there is a whole bunch of new memory level optimizations in it.So let me know if certain parameters you'd like to see a comparison for based on my experience.

Having used Fresco the least, the answer might evolve as I continue to use and understand it for current exploits. The used personally is having used the library atleast once in a completed app.

*Note - Fresco now supports GIF as well as WebP animations

Fresco sources | off site


  • Huge size of library
  • No Callback with View, Bitmap parameters
  • SimpleDraweeView doesn't support wrap_content
  • Huge size of cache


  • Pretty fast image loader (for small && medium images)
  • A lot of functionality(streaming, drawing tools, memory management, etc)
  • Possibility to setup directly in xml (for example round corners)
  • GIF support
  • WebP and Animated Webp support

Picasso sources | off site


  • Slow loading big images from internet into ListView


  • Tinny size of library
  • Small size of cache
  • Simple to use
  • UI does not freeze
  • WebP support

Glide sources


  • Big size of library


  • Tinny size of cache
  • Simple to use
  • GIF support
  • WebP support
  • Fast loading big images from internet into ListView
  • UI does not freeze
  • BitmapPool to re-use memory and thus lesser GC events

Universal Image Loader sources


  • Limited functionality (limited image processing)
  • Project support has stopped since 27.11.2015


  • Tinny size of library
  • Simple to use

Tested by me on SGS2 (Android 4.1) (WiFi 8.43 Mbps) Official versions for Java, not for Xamarin! October 19 2015 I prefer to use Glide. Read more here. How to write cache to External Storage (SD Card) with Glide.