How do I uninstall Visual Studio Code?

Solution 1:

I did it with the following command:

sudo apt purge code

to uninstall the program and then:

sudo apt autoremove

to remove the menu items/shortcuts etc as @Joe suggested.

I hope it helps!

Solution 2:

sudo dpkg --remove visual-studio-code

This will remove the software (including the Dash icon/desktop entry).

I think that this method will leave the configuration information around (if you re-install); there's also a purge option on dpkg that will remove this information as well.

sudo dpkg --purge visual-studio-code

Solution 3:

I had to update VS Code from the Software Center to uninstall it properly. -_-

After that, this worked perfectly:

sudo apt-get purge code

Solution 4:

As none of the above answer has been accepted so I am assuming it didn't solve your problem. If you cannot find it with apt or dpkg then most likely it was installed with snap as was in my case. To remove it just type:

snap remove code