How can I tell if Duplicity has frozen?

I am backing up an 8TB drive to a 16TB drive using Duplicity, and am wondering if there's any way to tell if it's getting stuck somewhere. This backup takes days, even with rsync, but I feel like it shouldn't take weeks, and at a certain point the "Properties" of the disk size stop increasing, but Duplicity (which I run from the command line) stays there, never returning an error. Is there a way to know what's going on? Or to force Duplicity to show what files it's backing up and to thus then see when they stop scrolling?

Some specifics that may be of use: both are ext4 file systems, both are internal hard drives that are being used externally via a universal USB-to-hard-drive connector, 3.5" drives. I am copying the entire file system in human-readable format as a way to have an encrypted backup of my backup (unencrypted) 8TB drive. I've been using this command:

sudo duplicity -v 2 /media/my/path/8TB/ file:///media/my/path/18TB

Based on a below comment, I realize using "-v 9" would give me more verbosity, but I'm currently waiting to see if this time it completes. One of the possible causes I'm thinking might be a simple loose connection, though the drives aren't really moved much, one of the connectors is old and seems a bit loose. Knowing more about whether I should think of other aspects would be very helpful.

Thank you in advance.

Solution 1:

From the documentation, there are a couple of options you may be interested in:


    When selected, duplicity will output the current upload progress and estimated
    upload time. To annotate changes, it will perform a first dry-run before a full or
    incremental, and then runs the real operation estimating the real upload progress.


--verbosity level, -vlevel

    Specify output verbosity level (log level).  Named levels and corresponding values
    are 0 Error, 2 Warning, 4 Notice (default), 8 Info, 9 Debug (noisiest).
    level may also be
    a character: e, w, n, i, d
    a word: error, warning, notice, info, debug

    The options -v4, -vn and -vnotice are functionally equivalent, as are the
    mixed/upper-case versions -vN, -vNotice and -vNOTICE.

This should give you quite the scrolling list on the monitor 👍🏻