Authentification Failure errors after installing Ubuntu 10.04 on Samsung 305V5A

I bought a Samsung 305C5A-SO2 laptop running an AMD A8 Quad Core.

I have a CD for Ubuntu 10.04, but I am not clear about whether to install Ubuntu 32-bit or 64-bit. I thought I would try running an Ubuntu live session from the CD to see.

After about 30 minutes I started getting "Authentification Failure" messages.

Squashfs-error Unable to read fragment cache entry

Then I received over 17,000 "Buffer Logical" error messages!

Should I go download 11.10, in 32-bit or go and try the 64-bit?

I really don't want to foul up this new laptop already, but I'm not interested in working with Windows 7 either.

  1. Download Ubuntu 11.10 from here. 32bit or 64 bit, either will work fine on your laptop.
  2. Follow the directions at the link to make a bootable CD or USB stick. Click the 'Show me how' button to see that you are doing the steps correctly.
  3. Install Ubuntu following the guide on the same page as above.
  4. If you still have errors after following the guide exactly, post the error messages up here with any specifics. Try to copy any error messages you see word-for-word. This helps us both.
  5. Welcome to Ask Ubuntu!

Squashfs is the filesystem which resides on your live CD. As the CD is probably somewhat old, there may some scratches or other damages on it. This leads in most cases to the Squashfs errors. So it is a safe choice for you to download the latest Ubuntu CD or DVD and use it like Tom suggested.