How to disable xscreensaver lock on suspend?

I have recently installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and have installed xscreensaver.

As I am the only user on this computer and I am only using the computer for music, movies, and some web browsing I have no need for the extra security of a lock screen.

Under user accounts, automatic login is turned on. Under brightness and lock, the lock is turned off and require my password when waking from suspend is unchecked. Under xscreensaver preferences, the lock screen box is unchecked.

Every time the computer goes into suspend I get an xscreensaver lock screen upon waking it. Is there a setting I'm missing or something?

From what I understand removing xscreensaver will fix this, but I would consider that a last resort if I can not resolve this issue as I like to use my photos as a screensaver.

I have just began using Linux and really don't know what I'm doing so you're patience and and any help would be much appreciated.

Take a look at this AskUbuntu Question.

Basically, you should also disable screen locking in power manager settings

If you are not using power manager, you can try to comment out line LOCK_SCREEN=TRUE in /etc/default/acpi-support

I suggest that you have -- only one GUI in Linux. Which one GUI generates his own different configuration file and sometimes messing up with programs including screensaver settings.

I resolved the same problem as yours by installing only one GUI -- cinnamon as example, or you can try another interface and I highly recommend using Tweak Tool/Power Management.