Change color of top menu bar in Unity and top menu bar in any window (application and file explorer)
How can I change the color of top menu bar in Unity and top menu bar in any window (application and file explorer)?
You can use Ubuntu Tweak to change the themes of different elements instead of having a single theme for every thing.
How to install Ubuntu Tweak?
Hit Alt+Ctrl+T to open terminal and run following commands:
For Ubuntu 14.04 onwards, it's available in softxare sources, just type:
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
For older Ubntu releases:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
How to change the window theme?
- Once installed, Hit Super key (Windows key) to open Unity dash and search for "ubuntu tweak" and open it.
- Open the "Tweaks" tab and click on "Themes".
- Hare you can change the theme of window (title bar). As you can see I've changed the window theme in this screenshot. You can change the theme of Unity panel (menu bar) by changing Gtk theme.
Where can I get themes for Ubuntu?
Hare are two exelent sources for themes.
click windows button and in Appearance find the theme and change default dark Ambiance theme to Radiance
I believe I have stumbled upon a more satisfactory answer to this question. I have yet to figure out how to change the window titles; however, the Unity panel color, within the Ambiance theme, can be changed using dconf-editor:
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
Utilizing dconf-editor, navigate through "org", to "gnome", to "desktop", to "interface". Modify the entry "gtk-color-scheme" to read:
Replacing #333377 with whatever color you wish (in hexadecimal format). Then, log out and back in; the Unity bar should have changed appropriately, as have all of the menus. (If it has not, double check what you entered -- it seems that any typos cause the entire gtk-color-scheme entry to be ignored.)
I have verified this to work in Ubuntu 12.04.2, including both the 3D and now-outmoded 2D versions of Unity.