How to convert mpeg to mp4?

You could use VLC to convert mpeg files to mp4. To do this:

  • Open VLC

  • Click on Media in the menu bar and select "Convert / Save"

  • In the "File" tab, click on "Add..." button and choose the file to convert from the file browser dialog box that opens up

  • Click on "Convert / Save" and verify that the source file is exactly the one which you want to convert and give an appropriate file name for the destination file, appended with ".mp4" and choose the format for the destination file. In your case this would be "Video - H.264 + MP3 (MP4)" and then click on "Start"

This may take some time depending upon the length of the file and when it finishes, voila! You have your file ready.

Your copy of avconv is missing the encoder libvo_aacenc which you can restore by simply installing the extra libavcodec package:

sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-54

This should allow WinFF to convert to aac again!

Mind you the better aac codec is libfdk-aac but I believe this is not available in the 14.04 avconv / libav-tools...