How to permanently disable touchpad in 12.04? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to disable Touchpad?

I'm looking for a way to permanently disable the touchpad in Ubuntu 12.04 (my computer is a Lenovo Thinkpad Edge on which it isn't possible to disable it in the BIOS).

I tried the applications GPointingDeviceSettings and synaptiks 0.8.1 as well as the applets touchpad-indicator and Jupiter. None of these does the trick of disabling the touchpad permanently.

Jupiter comes closest - it remembers that I have disabled the touchpad after restart - but when I login after the computer has been in suspend mode, the touchpad is enabled again.

Can anyone help me in disabling the touchpad possibly at a lower level so it won't in any way be enabled unless I choose to enable it?

I'm totally new to linux so a detailed explanation would be much appreciated ...

The links, so far, doesn't address my question. I have no problem turning the touchpad off and making it stay off after reboot but when I login after the computer has been in an altered power mode it's on again. Isn't there a way to permanently disable a device like touchpad?

I installed Pointing Device (package: gpointing-device-settings) from the store and it did disable my touchpad.

The command

synclient TouchpadOff=1

is what I use (change 1 to 0 to re-enable).

Here is what finally solved the problem (posted by myself): gpointing-device-settings lost on reboot

What had me (a linux newbie) confused was the difference between gconf and dconf. In this regard this was helpfull: When to use gconf vs dconf?

You can find a tutorial with screenshots on how to disable your touchpad here.

There was an ask ubuntu article about this here.

One reason you might want to disable your touchpad is because you have a mouse connected to the laptop, so do not need to use the touchpad. The touchpad sometimes accidentally gets used, moving your cursor around the screen to a place you don't want it to be.