is there an automatic mastering software for Linux (preferably Ubuntu) where a few presets could be selected and then the wav file would become the master, whic you can use to upload to your favorite music distribution platform like sone Windows program listed below do?

  • T-RackS 5 - IK Multimedia
  • AAMS Auto Audio Mastering System
  • iZotope Ozone 9

Please reply with link or full name of the software in question, once found.

Thank you

I would say your best bet here is to install Ubuntu Studio.

This distribution has the necessary tools for audio production and mastering. Also, quote from the audio section:

Carla ... Has a plugin bridge that utilizes WINE to use plugins compiled for Windows devices (experimental, not installed by default).

So maybe you can get your favorite Windows mastering plugins to work with this.

Also, there is the Traktion Master Mix plugin in Linux VST format.