16.04 LTS vs 16.04.1 upgrade

Solution 1:

New LTS releases are only offered at the first “point release”: 14.04.1, 16.04.1, (probably) 18.04.1, etc. This is done because by then most of the bugs that only show up after a release goes public will be fixed, and people who prefer LTS releases usually prefer a stable system that works without giving them too much trouble.

You can (temporarily) select the option to inform you about all new releases instead of only new LTS releases if you want to be offered an update now. But remember that there might be some issues that affect you still...

Solution 2:

To have a check you can simply do from terminal

do-release-upgrade -c

this will check if the actual release is open. If yes run the command

sudo do-release-upgrade

without any parameter.