Download remote FTP directory

My personal preference is filezilla.

You can install it from the repositories by typing sudo apt-get install filezilla.

It's quite stable and with plenty of features.

enter image description here

Alternatively, if you want to download by using a shell FTP client (no GUI), you could try to use wget or ncftp.

Some examples:

ncftpget –R –v –u "username" <ftp_site> <local_dir> <remote_dir>, (where "R" = recursive, "v" = verbose)

wget -r ftp://username:password@<ftp_site>/

wget provides many options, i've used it many times myself and i think that you should really try it (read it's 'man page', it's worth it)

A few command line solutions from this thread on SO:

wget -l 100 --user=<user> --password=<password> ftp://server/which/folder

The -l 100 is for setting depth to 100, as -r sets it to 5.


wget -r ftp://user:[email protected]/

Might not always work, as per SO, so try -m instead.

Or use ncftp as below:

ncftp -u <user> -p <pass> <server>
ncftp> mget directory

Alternatively use sftp:

scp -r user@server:/which/folder /destination/folder/

This one is highly recommended over plain FTP.

Open Nautilus, select File > Connect to server.. Select FTP with login. When you're logged in, right click the folder you want to copy and paste it somewhere on your local system.

No need to install stuff. You have everything you need. :)