How can I install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 32 bit? (GUI ISO found; see added ref) [duplicate]

Solution 1:

i386 ISOs are available, however the last Ubuntu Desktop ISO for i386 was for Ubuntu 17.04.


where you'll note a

i386 - For 32-bit Intel/AMD (x86) 

There were just fewer options, namely no Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop ISO.

Flavors too offered 18.04 i386 ISOs; however flavors only come with 3 years of support, thus they are now no longer fully supported.

Lubuntu & Xubuntu provided i386 ISOs for 18.10, and in fact further (into the disco or 19.04 cycle, but both dropped i386 prior to 19.04's release).

Solution 2:

Although Ubuntu does not have a 32 bit ISO for version 18.04, you can use 32 bit ISOs for Ubuntu flavors like Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu or Lubuntu.

If you need to use the GNOME desktop (Ubuntu's default desktop interface), you can later on install it with

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop

But if you have an old PC (which is likely, due to the 32 bit processor), I would suggest you to stick with Lubuntu or Xubuntu.

Alternatively, switch to Debian, which does not plan to drop 32 bit support anytime soon, and it is very similar to Ubuntu.