Difference between squabble and bicker

From the free dictionary.

squabble To engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter; wrangle. See Synonyms at argue.

bicker To engage in a petty, bad-tempered quarrel; squabble. See Synonyms at argue.

Does squabble stand for argue while bicker is for sass or do I get it wrong? Clarifying examples are highly appreciated!

I agree with @buildsucceeded answer however I would add that squabble is usually something very temporary and can be finished quickly. Maybe that is why it is used with kids. Kids don't usually hold grudges. They would squabble over who gets to go first.

Bicker is used for contemptuous, bitchy fighting that has more of a history. And even though two (or more) people may quit bickering, they can go right back to bickering easily. To me it implies that whatever they are bickering about is only a surface issue and that the people bickering have more conflicts.

And let's go back to the "kids" example. Normally kids would squabble not bicker. However brothers and sisters can definitely bicker.