Heroku deployment failed because of sqlite3 gem error

Solution 1:

Heroku can't install the sqlite3 gem, for whatever reason. But you can tell bundler that it shouldn't be trying to except when developing.

In your Gemfile, replace gem 'sqlite3' with:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'sqlite3'
group :production do
  gem 'pg'

Then bundler on heroku, running as production, won't try to install it.

Solution 2:

I was finally able to deploy successfully to Heroku. Thanks to evanc3 for pointing me to an article on the Heroku site. It appears that I simply forgot to commit my Gemgile updates before deploying to Heroku. So for all of you just starting out, you need to make sure you commit your changes before deploying to Heroku.

Solution 3:

Heroku do not support sqlite3...

Remove sqlite3 from your Gemfile, use pg gem instead. Do following change in gem file

change following in your Gemfile

gem 'sqlite3'


gem 'pg' #you will have to install postgresql

Important: Run

git add .
git commit 
git push heroku master

Note: If you are planning to deploy for heroku, I suggest it is better to use postgres in your development phase also(install postgresql in your computer), heroku prefer psql.

If you want to use sqllite for development and postgresql for Heroku, use following config.

group :development do 
   gem 'sqlite3'    #gem to use in development environment

group :production do 
  gem 'pg'         #gem to use in production environment

Heroku will use pg gem since heroku run your application in production enviroment

Solution 4:

On Heroku, your app doesn't have access to the filesystem. There's a number of reasons for this - it's basically due to the fact that you can scale your app's performance by adding new instances (i.e. running multiple servers at once), and these instances aren't guaranteed to be on the same physical machine - copying the files across would be extremely slow.

SQLite just stores the database to a file in your db/ folder, which is why it's incompatible with Heroku.

The best option, as suggested in the help link, is to move away from SQLite, because there are sometimes subtle incompatibilities between SQLite and PostgreSQL (Heroku's database of choice) and you want to find this out before you deploy to production!

After you install PostgreSQL (exactly how to do this depends on your OS) and then add gem 'pg' to your Gemfile.