Check `Restore on AC/Power Loss` from CMD/Powershell on windows 10

Found WakeUpType property of the Win32_ComputerSystem class


Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("SMBIOS|Type 1|System Information|Wake-up Type")

Event that causes the system to power up.

This value comes from the Wake-up Type member of the System Information structure in the SMBIOS information.

- Reserved (0)
- Other (1)
- Unknown (2)
- APM Timer (3)
- Modem Ring (4)
- LAN Remote (5)
- Power Switch (6)
- PCI PME# (7)
- AC Power Restored (8)

Read System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Reference Specification as well.

Next script requires following adjustments to satisfy (your) particular operational circumstances:

  • $computers array (e.g. read it from a file);
  • $WakeUpType = Get-WmiObject (e.g. add -Authentication or -Credential etc. parameters, see Get-Help 'Get-WmiObject' -ShowWindow).

$WakeUpTypes = DATA {ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @’
    0 = Reserved          (0)
    1 = Other             (1)
    2 = Unknown           (2)
    3 = APM Timer         (3)
    4 = Modem Ring        (4)
    5 = LAN Remote        (5)
    6 = Power Switch      (6)
    7 = PCI PME#          (7)
    8 = AC Power Restored (8)
   na = ? unreachable ? (N/A)

$computers  = ".", "$env:COMPUTERNAME", ### I *know* that these are the same 
              "bububu"                  ### and this is fake name for debugging

$namespace = "ROOT\CIMV2"
$classname = "Win32_ComputerSystem"

ForEach ( $computer in $computers ) {
    Try {
          $WakeUpType = Get-WmiObject `
            -Class $classname -ComputerName $computer -Namespace $namespace `
            -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
          $WakeUpName = $WakeUpTypes.Item("$($WakeUpType.WakeUpType)")
    } Catch {
          $WakeUpName = $WakeUpTypes.Item("na") 
    If ( $WakeUpName -eq $null ) { $WakeUpName = "Undefined as yet ($WakeUpType)" }
    "{0,-20} {1}" -f $computer, $WakeUpName

Run in PowerShell

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property e,WakeUpType