How to install Windows 7 after Ubuntu and dual boot? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

NOTE: Have a Linux distribution (Ubuntu) on a live CD handy before following the steps below.

  • Create partitions for Windows 7 using GParted in Ubuntu.
  • Boot the Windows 7 disk and install it on the partition created in the previous step. (Windows will not provide you with the option of choosing Ubuntu). So Ubuntu would seem unusable.
  • Recover Ubuntu by using a live CD (or live USB) and following the steps mentioned in Ask Ubuntu question Recovering GRUB after installing Windows 7 (at the end, you should have the option of choosing the operating system from the GRUB menu.)

Solution 2:

It's easy to install dual OS, but if you install Windows after Ubuntu, Grub will be affected. Grub is a boot-loader for Linux base systems. You can follow the above steps or you can do just the following:

  • Make space for your Windows from Ubuntu. (Use Disk Utility tools from ubuntu)
  • Install Windows on freed space.
  • After installing, login to windows

To fix this you can install 'EasyBCD' in Windows.
Download it here

Follow these steps to restore GRUB when after installing EasyBCD:

  • Launch the program and select ADD NEW ENTRY from the EasyBCD Toolbox
  • Select the 'Linux/BSD' from the operating systems column
  • Choose GRUB (Legacy) under type and click on the ADD ENTRY icon
  • Choose YES to the restart prompt

GRUB will be displayed after the restart and will detect the Ubuntu partition for you to be able to boot into Ubuntu.

Solution 3:

  1. use gParted to reduce Ubuntu partitions in order to create an empty NTFS partition (30Go~50Go at the start of the disk should be enough) that will receive Windows.
  2. via gParted add a boot flag on this partition
  3. Install Windows in this partition
  4. Reinstall GRUB in the MBR (eg via Boot-Repair's Recommended Repair)

Solution 4:

GRUB will let you boot into both OS's but installing Windows 7 after Ubuntu will remove GRUB from MBR, so you'll have to reinstall GRUB. Install Windows 7 on any partition of your choice and than follow this link to repair the GRUB. Unable to load Ubuntu after installing Windows