How to set up nVidia Optimus/Bumblebee in 14.04

Solution 1:

To install bumblebee in Ubuntu 14.04, run these commands in terminal

sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus nvidia-331

Now you have to install Bumblebee GUI to manage apps to be opened using nVidia. Here is the instructions:

Install Python App Indicator:

sudo apt-get install python-appindicator

Install Git:

sudo apt-get install git

Make a directory for git:

mkdir git && cd git

Check out the repository:

git clone
cd bumblebee-ui
sudo ./INSTALL

Go to Startup Applications and add bumblebee-indicator

Now reboot.

Solution 2:

I have been facing the same issue for quite some time. I had to reference many article online however I never got any help. So I wrote a blog post of my own and I got very positive response. Many people haver confirmed that the post was helpful. I have refined the blog post to make it even easier to use. One could easily just copy and paste the commands from the blog and It works fine.

I have a Lenovo Z5070 Laptop with an Nvidia 820M and I have tested the solution many times by Installing various versions of Ubuntu 14.04 14.10 and now 15.04. I just wanted to share how I got the issue fixed.

Basically Installing Bumblebee with Nvidia is the trickiest with Ubuntu because of the way Bumblebee works as a Technology. Ideally Just Installing the Software should have been enough.

It is enough if you are using the Nvidia-Current Drivers which are at version 304 I guess. However if you are installing other version you need help for sure. That is where the below blog post can help.

Please refer to Here!

One of my previous Posts got deleted because the Compete solution was not posted. However I am not a jerk or some spammer. Below is the 100% Technical Details of Implementing the solution.

The official Repository of Ubuntu has only old and dated drivers. I don't use that myself and would suggest you do the same if you want the latest Nvidia Driver without any problems.


  1. First step after installing Ubuntu is to install all updates. You may use the software updater or simply run:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  2. Add the Xorg-edgers ppa using

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa 

    and then

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    This is the most Important step. If you miss this you will see a black screen after reboot. Please do this as we are using the xorg-edgers ppa. We need to ensure all packages required for bumblebee and nvidia are taken from the ppa.

  3. Now Install bumblebee and Nvidia drivers using

    sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia primus nvidia-349
  4. Add the current user to the bumblebee security group.

    sudo adduser $USER bumblebee

    For Ubuntu 15.04 only: you need to manually enable to bumblebee daemon using

    sudo systemctl enable bumblebeed`
  5. This will take care of the Installing the required software on your system. We need to configure it. I can assure you if you followed these steps so far then configuring should be a breeze.

    We start by enabling bbswitch and intel i915 Driver.

     sudo -H gedit /etc/modules 

    Ubuntu 15.04: the file is /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf

    Add these two lines to it

  6. Edit the bumblebee configuration file.

    sudo -H gedit /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf
    1. line 22:

    2. line 55:

    3. line 58:

    4. line 61:

  7. In addition to this there is another file that needs to edited.

    sudo -H gedit /etc/modprobe.d/bumblebee.conf

    Add this line at the end.

    blacklist nvidia-349

    Now you may reboot. After reboot, check using sudo apt-get install mesa-utils if mesa-utils is not already installed.

    primusrun glxinfo | grep OpenGL

    This should tell you that nvidia-349.16 driver in use.

Please note that nvidia-349 is the latest driver at the time of writing this. You may use another driver version, replacing the appropriate number when needed (take special attention when editing the files).