Booting Ubuntu takes ages with system file check

Booting ubuntu

I have been using ubuntu 20.04 now. Every time I try to boot into Ubuntu, it starts with a filesystem check (I'm not sure if that's what it is), as in in the image attached, which takes atleast 5-6 minutes before the user login appears. Earlier I used to dual boot with windows 10, I assumed that could be the problem, but I tried installing only ubuntu and the problem still persists. I also tried reinstalling the grub but that too didn't help. I have got all hardware requirements satisfied. This behaviour wasn't there when I first installed Ubuntu 20.04, but it appeared after installing for the 3rd time. I think there's a bug introduced with an update.enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Removing Disk Check From 20.04 Boot

The command line option fsck.mode=skip can be used to skip the disk check when booting Ubuntu 20.04.

The line Checking disks: 0% complete may still come up but fsck will not be run, nor will boot time be increased.

Add fsck.mode=skip to the linux line in grub.cfg just before quiet splash

It is recommended to add the command to grub.cfg by editing /etc/default/grub thus: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="fsck.mode=skip quiet splash" and then run sudo update-grub.

I have had this problem with a Live USB but not with an installed system.