Solution 1:

Hmm. My suggestion would be to edit the manifest and remove the incorrect declaration. And don't forget to bug the developer about it however you can!

Edit: Note that it should be possible to simply place the manifest next to the executable, e.g. for foo.exe, you would place the manifest in foo.exe.manifest. See MSDN article (look in the section called "File Name Syntax").

Solution 2:

I just released a DLL that hooks and redirects calls to SetProcessDPIAware. For those applications that disable DPI scaling through code, this is a fast and easy fix (compared to binary patching).

DPIMangler: Blog post, source code.

Solution 3:

You can still edit the manifest, you'll just have to edit it in the .EXE file itself. Look for a resource editor that has manifest support. An example with rudimentary support is XN Resource Editor.) Just find and delete the line that mentions HIGHDPIAWARE and save the executable.

Be sure to make a copy of the executable before you edit it, though!