Windows 7 dual monitor windows move when screen is locked

I had the same Problem, the Problem comes from the Power Saving Settings. If there the Monitors are send to suspend, then on wake up not all monitors wake up at the same time and so windows arranges all windows on the first monitors to wake up. Set the power saving settings for monitors to never and the problem is solved.

An NVIDIA graphics card may fail to read the EDID info from the monitor when returning from a standby mode. You can fix it by setting your monitor settings from a file with previously saved EDID info.

  1. Start NVIDIA Control Panel (e.g. by typing in that name into the search field).
  2. Open the "View System Topology" task.
  3. Click EDID source. We will change the value from Monitor to File. (the screenshot shows the end situation after step 7) View system topology
  4. In the manage EDID dialog click the "Export" tab.
  5. Export the monitor settings to a file from the monitor you want to "hard-wire" the settings. This prevents the resizing/moving windows. Export EDID file
  6. Change to the "load" tab.
  7. Load the just exported monitor file and select the same monitor to apply the fixed settings. Then click the "Load EDID" button. Load EDID file


Idea from

The symptoms of windows shrinking this way indicate that a change in resolution occurred. When the resolution is set or changed to lower, the windows are shifted around and shrunk to fit that resolution. Either that or a person could lose access to them and have to reset their postition because it opens off screen (We had that before also) when in low res.

Screen savers or the log-in screen can exist at a lower resolution can cause this problem. In windows 7 the log-in screen can match the res of the desktop under normal/proper operation, so check for the screensaver issue first.
Test first by doing lock with "None" screensaver, and see if it still happens. Try and get the screensaver to match the resolution or find one that does?

You MUST use DVI ! DP and HDMI are "Plugable" Displays in Windows. After the Monitor goes into Power-Save - Windows lost all Infos about the screen and "Think" it's unplug. This is why all windows swap to Screen 1.

Google, there is a "hot-fix" for DP/HDMI where some contacts eliminated to prevent this. Microsoft would not help you. There are thousand of peoples out there with exact THIS problem, but Microsoft does not care.

If you use DVI - Windows did not interpret this as plug screen. All fine.