How can I install Notepad++ plugins without administrator permissions?

I use Notepad++ on an office computer where I don't have local administrator privileges. This means that I am unable to install plugins, as I cannot modify files located in C:/Program Files.

I've read that it is possible to make Notepad++ load plugins from my local %APPDATA% folder to get around this restriction, but I've only seen this option when first installing Notepad++. I couldn't find this option in the settings after the installation was completed.

How can I configure Notepad++ to load new plugins without admin rights?

Solution 1:

I would suggest downloading and using the "portable" version of Notepad++. If you go to the download page for the version you want ( for the current version at this time) you will be presented with the option to download a ZIP file rather than an installer. You can unzip this to any location you want, and add and remove files from the Plugins folder without admin rights.

You will need to change how you access Notepad++, since the default installed version will still lack the plugin you wanted. You should be able to right click a file, select Open with... then Choose another app and choose your downloaded copy, and it should use that version from then on when opening those files (don't forget to check the Always use this app checkbox).

Solution 2:

You can make Notepad++ load plugins from %APPDATA% by creating an empty file named allowAppDataPlugins.xml where Notepad++ is installed.

From Notepad++: Install Plugins without administrator privileges. GPUP.exe:

Notepad++ can load plugins from the users %APPDATA% directory. There is an option to allow this when installing Notepad++. You can also do this after it is installed by creating an empty file named allowAppDataPlugins.xml in the directory where Notepad++ is installed. The plugins will then be installed and loaded from the %APPDATA% directory which doesn’t require admin privileges.

This should allow the users to install most plugins. A few plugins still need admin privileges (e.g. PythonScript) but the majority of them work just fine this way.

Once enabled, user-specific plugins will be loaded from %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins.

Solution 3:

This solution might not work for OP since you need access to the install directory but it solved my problem and will hopefully help other people in a similar situation.

Put an empty file named doLocalConf.xml in the install directory, assuming you have it installed in a directory you can modify. After doing this I was able to install plugins without admin privileges. It looks like the allowAppDataPlugins.xml trick no longer works.


This table should clarify the location of Notepad++'s plugins.

  1. Notepad++ installed on: %PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\ or wherever without doLocalConf.xml

    • Plugins loaded from: %PROGRAMDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\
    • Plugins list full path : %PROGRAMDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\Config\nppPluginList.dll
    • Plugins’ config dir for user data: %APPDATA%\plugins\Config\
  2. Notepad++ installed on: wherever (except in %PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\) with doLocalConf.xml

    • Plugins loaded from: <NPP_INST_DIR>\plugins\
    • Plugins list full path : <NPP_INST_DIR>\plugins\Config\nppPluginList.dll
    • Plugins’ config dir: <NPP_INST_DIR>\plugins\config\