How to down convert KeePass .kdbx to .kdb

I want to down convert my KeePass .kdbx file to a .kdb file because I want to be able to open it with KeePassX (OS X version), which only supports .kdb

I haven't been able to find a solution yet.

Solution 1:

Just go to File->Export and you should have the option to export to a .kdb file.

Solution 2:


On OSX and Linux distros you might not be able to export to .kdb, getting this dreadful error: enter image description here

What I did

I've forked lastpass2keepass into csv2keepass and it now supports csv files exported from KeePass 2.0.

Solution (which also works in linux!)

To export to csv, just go into KeePass 2.0, open your db.kdbx file and do

File --> Export --> KeePass CSV (1.x)

Now run the python script:

python exportedCSVFile

After that to import do

File --> Import from... --> KeePassX XML (*.xml)

Solution 3:

You may want to use:

for conversion of the KeePass2 password database to KeePassX. It's done via XML export/import of both tools.