Copying partial cell to another cell in OpenOffice Calc

To get sub-string excluding first 4 characters (plus space) you can use MID function:


It will result in 'John Smith Cell A2 says 0002 Bill Snyder'. You can also imitate text splitting with FIND function, for example this formula will output '0001':

LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1)

Further, this will output John (assuming original text is in A1 cell and previous formula is in B1):

MID(A1,LEN(B1)+2,FIND(" ",A1,LEN(B1)))


  • A1 - original text
  • LEN(B1)+2 - start position (length of code 0001 + separator + 1)
  • FIND(" ",A1,LEN(B1)) - end position (i.e. next space occurrence)

And you can elaborate it further to get last 2 words :)