Stuck at 'VMware easy install'

I don't know exactly why it fails, but there are three things you need to get things back to normal.

  1. Restore the /etc/issue file:

    sudo mv /etc/issue.backup /etc/issue

  2. Restore the /etc/rc.local file:

    sudo mv /etc/rc.local.backup /etc/rc.local

  3. Restore the /etc/init/lightdm.conf file:

    sudo mv /opt/vmware-tools-installer/lightdm.conf /etc/init

Then reboot (sudo reboot) or run sudo start lightdm to see the greeter.

I've used the following method before and it works:

  1. Login at the prompt.
  2. Enter this command to install GDM:

    sudo apt-get install gdm
  3. Enter your password and install.
  4. Reboot
  5. Login at GDM.
  6. Install VMware Tools.

For me the solution has been removing the images mounted in the floppy drive and the DVD drive that make the easy install start automatically. The system boots and then you have to set a password for the root user and use that to login.

Then you install the VMware tools manually and everything works as expected, finally!