Black screen when playing a movie in VLC player, just the sound is enabled

When I move the VLC player window, I can see the video but when I stop moving it, then it gets back to black.

This happens not only in VLC but with my webcam too, when I use camorama webcam.

go to ToolsPreferencesVideo and set the output to X11 video output and save it now close and open VLC, and open your video

Edit: If it still doesn't work try setting the output to OpenGL video output as suggested by @Asaf

Option 1 below worked for me!

I found this solution at:

Scroll down for the solutions:

12-Mar-2011, 05:56 #1 wisepenguin wisepenguin is offline Newcomer

Join Date Mar 2011 Posts 12

Default VLC shows black screen when playing movie files (solutions)

With a default 11.4 (64bit) installation, and the one click installer for VLC at VideoLAN - VLC: Free streaming and multimedia solutions for all OS! - if you get a black screen when watching movie files there are 2 solutions.

-> Go to Tools->Preferences->Video
-> Remove the tick for "Accelerated video output (Overlay)"
-> Try and play the movie again, you should now see output.

Download proprietary drivers for your graphics card - I think theres a thread on the forum dedicated to that.
Example, NVIDIA 8600 using the default 11.4 open source drivers (nouveau?) shows a black screen when VLC uses "Accelerated video output".
However, installing the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, VLC will successfully show the movie using "Accelerated video output".

To clarify the default VLC installation with "Accelerated video output" ticked - works with proprietary NVIDIA drivers - and doesn't without.


ps. Thanks to the team as my integrated ATI Radeon card using default 11.4 open source drivers works with VLC and "Accelerated video output" ticked. 

Switching off dpms is the Problem. Try in terminal xset -dpms so the energy saving mode of the screen is disabled.

Switching it on an off results in a flash xset +dpms and xset -dpms. Every time vlc changes video, it calls this function.

I found this:

Its 3 recommendations are:

  1. Tools->Preferences->Video->Output (if in Advanced mode, I have to click Output Modules), then try setting it to either DirectX (DirectDraw) or OpenGL (X11, as another answer suggested, did not fix it for me).

  2. Tools->Preferences->All Settings->Input/Codecs->Video Codecs->FFmpeg, and set Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding to All and Hardware decoding to Disable.

  3. (I doubt this will fix any freezing - and I have this problem even with this already set high - but it might help if you're getting skips.) Tools->Preferences->All Settings->Input/Codecs->scroll down to Advanced, and increase the Caching options (e.g. File, Disc, and Network). Personally, for File and Disc Caching, I recommend somewhere around 3000 +- 2000 ms (in other words: somewhere between 1000-5000 ms, which equates to 1s-5s). You'll have a slight delay when you play or pause, but it's worth it to stop any skipping.