convert ps to pdf

How do I convert *.ps file to a .pdf file? I tried several links given by google search, but either solution is really old and does not work for latest versions of ps and pdf files, or they do not make sense to me. Is there a simple utility to convert .ps file to .pdf file.

For a command-line solution: install the 'ghostscript' package:

sudo apt-get install ghostscript

and use the ps2pdf utility:

ps2pdf myfile.pdf


Try to download and install GIMP once you are done open your.PS file with it and then go to save us and go to the drop down menu where you can choose the type of the file.. The pdf should be there, save it and it should work just fine.

Not on Ubuntu right now but try this.

If your post script file is called ""

gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=test.pdf -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE

the non-self-explanatory flags are -dBATCH which avoids going into interactive mode and -dNOPAUSE which suppresses pausing after each page.