"My another account" vs. "my other account"

A little debate going on here so I just want to know which one it is; I'm saying it's my other account since my another would be my one other account.

The other person insists they both can be used; however, I'm more than positive that it's only other in that context. Plus, my another account just sounds wrong to the ears.

Which one is it?

Solution 1:

It can't be "my another account" in my idiolect and in most standard dialects of English.

A standard analysis would be that the "an" element in "another" is an article, and that the use of a possessive adjective (like "my") replaces the article, so "my another ..." has effectively got the article duplicated, which you can't have.

Solution 2:

Possessive adjectives take the place of an article like an in a phrase (they're both determiners). So mixing "my" with the "an" from another is incorrect. Only My other account would be correct here.