Single word for a self-confessed traveler who constantly talks about his travels regardless of the audience interest, circumstance or relevence?

What would be a good single word for a self-confessed traveler who constantly talks about his travels, rattling off place names ("Oh that one time in Timbaktu....", "Thank you for the coffee! Speaking of coffee, the best mocha I've ever had was at this coffee shop in Addis Ababaa...."), prone to self-aggrandizement and having a tendency to hog the show everytime, dispensing free travel-advice, exotic restaurant reviews and like regardless of the audience interest, circumstance or relevance?

Neologisms, humorous & creative wordplays will be appreciated!

The person is a bore. I can't think of a type of bore specific to travel but if you would accept a hyphenated one I suggest travel-bore, which I have occasionally heard used.

I can't come up with something travel-specific, but this may help:

The late Sir Christopher Lee was described as a long-winded raconteur in his obituary in the Telegraph.

Throughout his career he had a reputation for being a long-winded raconteur whose reminiscences tended to focus on himself. In 1976, when Lee left Britain for the US, the move prompted an acquaintance to joke that “the population of Los Angeles were dusting out their bomb shelters in anticipation of a barrage of anecdotes”. According to another account, on one occasion an actress got off an aircraft looking ashen and exhausted. Questioned about her health by airport staff, she explained that she had been seated next to Lee and that he had not stopped talking about himself during the 10-hour flight.