Raw Strings in Java - for regex in particular. Multiline strings
Solution 1:
This is a work-around if you are using eclipse. You can automatically have long blocks of text correctly multilined and special characters automatically escaped when you paste text into a string literal
"-paste here-";
if you enable that option in window→preferences→java→Editor→Typing→"Escape text when pasting into a string literal"
Solution 2:
No, there isn't.
Generally, you would put raw strings and regexes in a properties file, but those have some escape sequence requirements too.
Solution 3:
I use Pattern.quote. And it solves the problem of the question. Thusly:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote("\r\n?|\n"));
The quote method returns a string that would match the provided string argument, which the return string is the properly quoted string for our case.
Solution 4:
No (quite sadly).