Access Django model's fields using a string instead of dot syntax?

In Django, I can do this:

test = Test.objects.get(id=1)

I want to be able to access the properties using dynamically generated strings, like this:


or, any other syntax using a string. I tried


but this returns the field itself and not the value.

Any ideas?

Solution 1:

You can use python's built in getattr() function:

getattr(test, 'name')

Solution 2:

Assuming name is an attribute on your instance test getattr(test, 'name') should return the corresponding value. Or test.__dict__['name'].

You can read more about getattr() here:

Solution 3:

Other answers still stand, but now you can do this using Django's _meta.get_field().


Note that the Model _meta API has begun its official support and documentation as of 1.8, but has been distributed and used in prior versions before its official documentation.