Bulk remove provisioning profiles on iPhone

Turns out that using the Organizer in Xcode allows you to do this.

Unfortunately you can’t batch delete them in Xcode 6 anymore. You can use Mac Auto Mouse Click to setup two steps that click on the minus sign then click on the last provisioning profile by defining X and Y coordinates. Set a high repeat count and all your provisioning profiles will disappear automatically.

Here is another option (that I haven’t tested) suggested by Filippo Bigarella using libimobiledevice:

for uuid in ideviceprovision list | tail -n+2 | awk '{print $1}'; do ideviceprovision remove $uuid; done

You can use homebrew to install libimobiledevice if you don't want to build it from source.

Apple Configurator 2 can be used to remove a batch of provisioning profiles.